EDMONDS, Wash. - Insurance Services Group earned a 2017 Safeco Insurance® Make More Happen Award for demonstrating extraordinary volunteerism to make positive change happen in our community. The award includes $5,000 to use towards our community work with Washington Kids in Transition, which is committed to providing basic needs to homeless children residing in Washington State, including food, emergency closets, motel vouchers and transportation vouchers.
This year, Safeco is offering agents an additional opportunity to help the causes they care about most. The story behind Insurance Services Group and Washington Kids in Transition is currently featured on Safeco.com, with a chance to raise an additional $5,000. If our story is shared from Safeco.com at least 50 times on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn, the total donation will increase to $10,000. Click here and help us reach our goal by sharing our story.
“We are excited to offer agents the ability to raise even more funds through social media sharing, and we hope their stories inspire others to volunteer in their communities,” said Mary Gardner, Safeco Insurance Northwest Region territory manager. “Safeco’s Make More Happen program recognizes agents who are committed to making a difference in their local communities, and we want encourage them to directly support the local charities where they see the most need.”
Safeco’s Make More Happen awards focus on nonprofits in the areas of health and safety, education and civil service. Insurance Services Group was selected for a Make More Happen Award based on a photo and application demonstrating our commitment to Washington Kids in Transition, which serves Washington.
In 2015, Insurance Services Group launched a community-service referral program benefitting Washington Kids in Transition. The team also packed snack bags each month to be distributed to more than 32,000 students this school year — so students had food to eat when they were not at school.
Throughout 2017, Safeco will select a total of 23 independent agents for the awards and donate up to $230,000 to the nonprofits they support. The Make More Happen Awards are a part of Safeco Insurance’s Agent Giving Program.