Wednesday, November 18, 2020
BELLEVUE, Wash. – Who doesn’t love a good discount? Now, more than ever, finding ways to save money and make life easier matters. It’s our job, one we are passionate about, to review risks, provide guidance, and...
Thursday, September 24, 2020
SEATTLE, Wash. - Now more than ever, we need things to celebrate and at Insurance Services Group we couldn’t be more excited to share this major milestone with our clients and our community. In August, ISG turned 40!...
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
SEATTLE, Wash. – As Washington state begins its phased approach to gradually reopening, best practices for how restaurants, bars, and hospitality businesses operate continues to evolve. Our carrier partners at Mutual of...
Thursday, March 26, 2020
SEATTLE, Wash. - In response to the current COVID-19 Global Pandemic, Trevor Campbell, President of Insurance Services Group, based in Edmonds, Washington, recently shared this message to clients and residents concerned...
Monday, February 3, 2020
SEATTLE, Wash. - As experts, we know how confusing insurance can be, especially when it comes to farm insurance and coverage. In today's world, people are doing all kinds of things on their property, from weddings and...